Sabine Pass ISD’s technology plan identifies the following
main goals: Integrate technology into the curriculum to enhance the educational
process for every student, provide access to information for students, parents
and the community through technology, and provide ongoing staff development
opportunities for the integration of technology into the curriculum. The district
plans to meet these goals by providing further connectivity for students, use
resources such as public television, the school website and other notification
systems, and analyze the current status of technology use in the district.
Some of the needs that were addressed include: replacing
aging technology hardware on a five year rotation, providing integration of
technology into the classroom, providing more training for teachers and staff,
and providing better monitoring capabilities to teachers to promote effective
learning. The budget also reflects a
decrease in local funds for the next three years.
The technology coordinator works in conjunction with
administration to provide ongoing opportunities for professional development including
local in-service and one-on-one training in topics relating to SBEC technology
standards. Administration will provide the necessary infrastructure to
successfully facilitate technology into all areas of the district to optimize
the learning environment.
The Technology Plan Committee is responsible for the ongoing
evaluation of the plan and report findings to the superintendent and board of
trustees after each formal evaluation. The Texas STaR Chart results are used to
help assess progress made toward meeting the goals of the LRPT. Other methods
of evaluation include staff surveys, informal interviews, monitoring, yearly
inventory, support and maintenance of hardware, and administrative classroom